Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ok my b/f is 14 going on 15 and im 12 but iv liked him 4 almost7 yers i REALY LIK him!i need a cute

What is your question? I do not know how you look so I would not know what is the best doo for you.

Ok my b/f is 14 going on 15 and im 12 but iv liked him 4 almost7 yers i REALY LIK him!i need a cute hair due!!

You also need to learn how to spell

Ok my b/f is 14 going on 15 and im 12 but iv liked him 4 almost7 yers i REALY LIK him!i need a cute hair due!!

spellcheck time

Ok my b/f is 14 going on 15 and im 12 but iv liked him 4 almost7 yers i REALY LIK him!i need a cute hair due!!

how about the one your avatar has, very classy.

Ok my b/f is 14 going on 15 and im 12 but iv liked him 4 almost7 yers i REALY LIK him!i need a cute hair due!!


Ok my b/f is 14 going on 15 and im 12 but iv liked him 4 almost7 yers i REALY LIK him!i need a cute hair due!!

Take advice from an old married mom, live your life and have fun with your girls! Save the boys for your late 20's after you have finished school and done everything you want to do in life!

Boyfriends are only looking for three things, a mom, a piece of $%# and someone to wait on them hand and foot!

Ok my b/f is 14 going on 15 and im 12 but iv liked him 4 almost7 yers i REALY LIK him!i need a cute hair due!!

At your ages, he is too old....

Do you realize that you are stating that you have like him since you were 5 and he was 7 going on 8?

Ok my b/f is 14 going on 15 and im 12 but iv liked him 4 almost7 yers i REALY LIK him!i need a cute hair due!!

You need to concentrate more on your school work and less on this boy. It's fine to like him but changing your appearance to please him is not a good sign. If he likes you it should be for yourself and you don't want to end up the kind of young woman who lets a man rule her life. I am sure you are fine just the way you are anyway.

Ok my b/f is 14 going on 15 and im 12 but iv liked him 4 almost7 yers i REALY LIK him!i need a cute hair due!!

ok im having a hard time trying to comprehend your webspeak...ok you need a cute "hair due"

well i dont know what your hair looks like at the moment to suggest anything....

also i think your a bit too young to be dating anyways and I'm in highschool...for advice, start dating when your 14 or starting highschool.

Ok my b/f is 14 going on 15 and im 12 but iv liked him 4 almost7 yers i REALY LIK him!i need a cute hair due!!

This is a BAD IDEA! You are only twelve years old, and shouldn't be caught up in a teenage boy. He's ready for things that you are not, and he could impact bad decisions on your part. Just stay friends. Maybe when you get in high school, and you're older... it could happen. But for now, just stay friends.

Ok my b/f is 14 going on 15 and im 12 but iv liked him 4 almost7 yers i REALY LIK him!i need a cute hair due!!

Home girl im 12 you should stick with 14yrs and down because 15yrs do not care about little girls who not even 13 yet believe me!

Ok my b/f is 14 going on 15 and im 12 but iv liked him 4 almost7 yers i REALY LIK him!i need a cute hair due!!

Do yourself a big favor, wait. You will never regret it. If he likes you he will be willing to wait too. Even if that is 10 years! Think about it he'll have a career, and you'll just be graduating college!

The best thing you can do is fall in love with a person not for the hair, body, or clothes, but for who they really are. You'll know that you are in love when you are scared to say something, because you might damage the friendship! You have to value the friendship more than the relationship!

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