Thursday, November 26, 2009

How should i go about asking my parents if i'm aloud to dye my hair cute gingery-brown?

i have the hair colour that i have right now, but i really want a reddish colour, or at least ahve a streak!

How should i go about asking my parents if i'm aloud to dye my hair cute gingery-brown?

i dont see any harm, its not as if you want a tattoo, why not just ask, if they say no, then use a shader, that will freak them out


How should i go about asking my parents if i'm aloud to dye my hair cute gingery-brown?

I dyed my hair a lot when I was your age, and the first time I wanted to dye my hair, I just asked my mom, "What would you think if I wanted to dye my hair?" After that, she asked me which color I wanted--I said a reddish color--and she went to the store with me to help me choose a color that would look good on me! If you want highlights, it's best to get those done at a salon, so just ask your mom if she would go with you--tell her that her opinion is important to you--that will go over well with her! :)

How should i go about asking my parents if i'm aloud to dye my hair cute gingery-brown?

it depends on your age group, how old are you if your a teen you should beat around the bush for a little while and talk a lot about hair and ask if you can dye it and show them the color and leave it to them to decide and if your a risk taker just go do it and deal with the consequences

Hope i helped (hope you pick me as the best answer)

How should i go about asking my parents if i'm aloud to dye my hair cute gingery-brown?

i guess your a teenager if you have to ask your parents permission to dye your hair..... so why ask part of being a teenager is just doing it! good luck

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